A Multi-Faceted Curriculum
Our rigorous curriculum steeps you in different ways of thinking and in multiple perspectives and reinforces your growing knowledge with experiential learning.
The 13 required courses in the core curriculum build on each other to give you the analytical tools and essential knowledge to lead successfully. You then tailor your course of study with a wide array of electives to achieve your goals and feed your passions.
Part-Time MBA Curriculum at a Glance
All Evening & Weekend students will:
- Take a minimum of 42 semester units (21 units of core and 21 units of elective courses)
- Participate in WE Launch and the Mid Program Academic Retreat
See the academic calendar.
First Year
WE Launch (Signature Event)
Orientation weekend (required)
Economics for Business Decision Making
Learn to think systematically about achieving competitive advantage
Leading People
Learn to motivate and influence
Fall B
Marketing Management
Look strategically at marketing decisions
Data & Decisions
Become a critical consumer of statistical analysis
Spring A
Develop and apply models of the world's economies to explain trends and fluctuations
Financial Accounting
Become and informed user of financial statements
Spring B
Intro to Finance
Value assets and evaluate risk
Ethics and Responsibility in Business
Anticipate, critically analyze, and appropriately respond to the challenges that face managers
Electives (optional)
Option to begin taking electives
Second Year
Fall A
Strategic, operational, and tactical issues facing manufacturing and service companies
Focus on an area of emphasis, sharpen specific skills and gain specialized knowledge
Leadership Communication
Public speaking in today's business environment
Fall B
Core topics in strategy, such as a selection of goals, choice of products and services to offer, and competitive positioning
Business Communications in Diverse Environment
Weekend academic retreat guiding students on how to navigate diverse settings more effectively to improve their ability to create, work within, and lead diverse teams and global organizations
Electives (optional)
Third Year
WE Lead (Signature Event)
Final signature event brings the entire class together to reflect and commemorate the conclusion of the program
Take the Next Step
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