Your job. Your studies. Your family. It may seem daunting to add more to your schedule, but student activities add depth and color to your part-time MBA experience. They offer a platform to put your learning and leadership skills to use, to try something new, to share your passion.
Explore leadership opportunities in the Evening & Weekend MBA Association (EWMBAA) and in your cohort. The EWMBAA organizes yoga breaks, happy hours, and dine-and-discuss meals. Whether as cohort leader, admissions ambassador, or social chair, there are many ways to go beyond yourself and be part of shaping a memorable experience for everyone.
Case and startup competitions, such as the Venture Capital Investment Competition, become platforms to demonstrate and extend your understanding of key issues facing business and society. Student-led conferences, such as Women in Leadership Conference and The Haas Healthcare Conference delve deeply into current issues.
Student-led clubs and affinity groups combine work and play. They deepen your knowledge, whether it’s in entrepreneurship, marketing, or finance, and help you strengthen bonds with students who share your interests, such as a shared culture, cooking, or beer.
By choosing strategically among these activities (and many others) you can tip the balance toward where you want to take your career, while maintaining the high standards you set at work and in your coursework.