Personalized Learning

Choose Courses that Deepen Your Expertise

Early in your second year, you take the lead in crafting coursework that supports your objectives, using electives to further strengthen your general management skills, take a deeper dive into a specific industry, or focus on courses that explore specific functions.

Evening students find four to five electives on offer each night. Students enrolled in the weekend schedule can select from six to eight electives each semester and may bid on electives in the evening option to further expand choices.

You also have the option to bid on courses dual-listed with the Full-Time and Executive MBA Programs, and to take Sunday day-long classes and summer block week courses. If you don’t see what you need, independent study is another way to pursue an area of interest.

For Evening & Weekend MBA students, learning also means having opportunities to tap into the vast resources of UC Berkeley, the #2 ranked public university by U.S. News & World Report. That includes our highly ranked schools of computer science, economics, engineering, public affairs, and law. You also gain access to high-performing colleagues, world-renowned faculty, and influential thinkers in politics, the arts, and sciences.


Andrew Hening

Andrew Hening

MBA 17

Director of Homeless Planning Outreach
City of San Rafael

“I loved the freedom that the array of electives gave me to tailor my coursework to my needs and interests. The Reimagining Slums class I took at the Jacobs Institute introduced me to systems thinking. It also was a great opportunity to study and do projects with students in the Full-Time MBA Program, as well as people studying in the Schools of Public Health and Public Policy. It was great exposure to different points of view.”